Monday 9 April 2018

In the Christian community this season takes us further into the Easter and post-Easter experience.  This week Thomas was the gospel focus including his declaration that he wouldn't believe unless he personally saw Jesus' wounds.  When he does see and subsequently commits himself to the Christian way Jesus is said to observe:  "You believe because you see, blessed are those who believe but do not see."  As you will view or read in my message, this made me think about vocation.  How do we let the Christian story so permeate our lives that it informs our world view and our life in the world?  It makes me wonder how it works for those reading this blog.  In what way does faith inform your everyday thoughts, actions and relationships.  If some of you were willing to share, I would be interested in reading.

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Good morning!  Easter Blessings to everyone.  It has been a busy couple of weeks as we moved from Palm Sunday through Holy Week to Good Friday and Easter.  This cycle always brings us face to face with the two central metaphors of the Christian story, namely death and resurrection.  In the 21st century we are called upon to rethink these terms in the same way in which we approached the "churchy" words in previous weeks.  In some ways 'explaining' the death and resurrection of Christ requires cautious effort as the mystical and historical significance of these events cannot easily be reduced to a modern interpretation.  There is something that will always remain holy mystery in this story.  I did attempt; however; to bring some modern interpretation to these events in recent sermons.  On Good Friday I sought to hold up the wisdom that can come to us when we encounter death.  Despite the ensuing grief and heartache that death brings, it does place life in perspective.  This was true for Jesus as well and it was interesting to note - borrowing an idea from Barbara Brown-Taylor - that Jesus died as he lived: forgiving, compassionate and trusting in the Love of God.  Easter Sunday presented an opportunity to consider the resurrection of hope in the midst of death-dealing situations.  Death is thought to be the ultimate weapon of forces of oppression yet resurrection suggests that the force of Love can push beyond death to continue to inspire hope and change.  If you have a chance to look at (or read) the sermons I would be interested in your response.  Happy Easter week!